If you’ve been following my blog for a while, then you
already know (in my Big Freedia voice) how I feel about Yelp. For that reason,
I am happy to announce, yes announce, that I am an Elite member of Yelp for the
2017 calendar year. We are almost 50 days into the year and guess how many Elite events
I’ve attended to date... 4 events. And to be honest they’ve had quite more than that, but I wasn't able to get in to them. Just know, our Community Manager is putting in that
The first event I attended this year was held at Kung Ku Tea
and we were given half off our drinks and a chance to update our picture to
reflect Elite 2017. This was a pretty chill event and it was good to see
familiar faces and meet new members of the Elite community. I ended up getting
my all-time favorite Korean drink, the Taro Slush.
The next event I attended was hosted by Vita at Tyson’s
Corner. Vita is a new upscale apartment building right in the heart of Tyson’s
Corner and semi connected to Tyson’s Corner Mall. The apartment that I viewed
was laid out and if I could actually afford to live in such a tiny space, I would
probably go for it. Of course we were spoiled with eats and good treats by a
few of the local restaurants. We were also given a selfie stick, you know bloggers love pics and free stuff.
The third event I attended was hosted by Sweet Green. I am
not sure why I didn’t come up with the concept of a salad bar but I wish I
would have. I really like Sweet Green because they work with local farmers to
get the freshest ingredients out to their customers. This is also a company
that’s super trendy in regards to marketing and they offer good vibes. I’ve
been carrying a bag that I received from them years ago which says “Beets Don’t
Kale My Vibe”. Someone’s a fan of Kendrick Lamar, ya think? This particular
event was focused on Sweet Green’s new winter menu which focuses on warm
salads. I chose the salad that had sweet potatoes included. Now I’ve never
thought about adding sweet potatoes to a salad but it’s definitely something
that I may re-create.
Lastly, I was able to attend a dance workout class and
invite two of the homies actually one was my cousin. Little known fact,
I used to be certified to teach Zumba, so this was extremely fun to do. Let me
tell you, if you are a twerker, want to be a twerker, this is the class for
you; did I mention you get a good workout as well? We had sooo much fun
attending and I can’t wait to go back.
As you see, being a part of Yelp, and especially Yelp Elite
has tons of benefits. Go ahead and check the site or the app out and add me as
a friend.