June 16, 2019

Home Sweet Home...

Your girl has officially been a homeowner for a little over 6 months. Let me tell you… this was not something that I even imagined at the beginning of 2018. After a string of unexpected lay-offs my main thing was just to live on my own. And if I’m keeping it all the way real, I NEVER wanted to own a home without a spouse, however, God’s plan. Honestly, I am beyond blessed to be able to handle such a large responsibility on my own. The first six months of homeownership has already taught me sooo many lessons.

  • Sh*t Happens – There is no amount of home inspections nor walk throughs that’ll let you know every single issue or problem regarding your home. New appliance will break just as quick as old appliances and since we can’t control the weather, external damage can be inevitable. I had to get my brand new HVAC system repaired (multiple times) and a bad windstorm peeled back the siding on my place.  Now there are certain moments in my life where I recall the fact that I’m a grown a** woman and doing home repairs is one of those times. 
Ice took over my HVAC

This happened...

  • Take Your Time – If you are a shopaholic like myself, you’ll want to buy EVERYTHING!!! However, taking your time and truly defining the vibe of your home makes a difference. Also, if you’re making a BIG purchase, you’ll want to be 100% sure of your choices. My BIG purchase was my sofa… Now I totally knew I wanted this beautiful green sofa while I was renting, but the price had me looking at less expensive options. I went back and forth and forth and back and all around before I decided to make the investment in what I really, really wanted. Taking your time could also be a bit tricky because I found THEE perfect coffee table and waited until it was sold out *insert angry face here*. Usually I’m really good about finding items that have sold out but nope, not this time. 

  • Get Organized – I lost count at the amount of documents I signed during closing. However, a few of those documents have come in handy during tax season. It’s best to have a set location for every document because there will come a day that you need it. Let me tell you… I am still working on having the type of organization you find in the magazines.
My fav little area and an attempt at organizing

Unexpected guest... robins eggs